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Helpful Rehab and Fitness Articles

How to Stay Active After Cervical Fractures: Expert Tips and Advice
Neck Pain

How to Stay Active After Cervical Fractures: Expert Tips and Advice

Sustaining a cervical fracture can feel like a major setback, especially when it comes to staying active. It’s essential to focus on safe movements and ...
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Dealing With Painful Stairs After Ankle Replacement
Foot and Ankle Pain

Dealing with Painful Stairs After Ankle Replacement Surgery

After undergoing an ankle replacement surgery, patients may experience pain when climbing stairs. The level of pain can vary from mild discomfort to severe pain, ...
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Walking After a Total Ankle Replacement
Foot and Ankle Pain

Walking After a Total Ankle Replacement: Tips for a Successful Recovery

After undergoing a total ankle replacement surgery, patients need to follow a strict rehabilitation program to regain mobility and improve their overall gait pattern. Physical ...
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Exercises While Non-Weight Bearing After Ankle Replacement Elevation, AROM, Leg Raises
Foot and Ankle Pain

Exercises While Non-Weight Bearing After Ankle Replacement: Elevation, AROM, Leg Raises, and More

After undergoing ankle replacement surgery, patients are often required to be non-weight bearing for several weeks or even months. It’s typical to be non-weight bearing ...
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Ankle Pain with Stairs Causes and Helpful Treatment Options
Foot and Ankle Pain

Ankle Pain with Stairs: Causes and Home Treatment Options

You’re not alone if you experience ankle pain when walking up or down stairs. This is a common problem for people of all ages, but ...
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5 common mistakes after an ankle sprain
Foot and Ankle Pain

5 Common Mistakes You’re Making After an Ankle Sprain

If you’ve recently sprained your ankle, you are not alone. Nearly 25,000 people suffer an ankle sprain each day. Over 2 million people sprain their ...
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